Royee will be presenting Chad Novak and John Kennedy, Counsel for the Old Republic National Title Insurance Company for their presentation entitled “Focus on Easements, Boundaries and Encroachments in the Title Insurance Context.” This is the synopsis for the event:
An examination of vexing title issues arising out of actual or alleged easements, as well as boundary and encroachment matters. The discussion will address the problems that arise in the examination of real property titles, when resolution is necessary, and when the issues can be resolved by way of title insurance. The presenters will also share claims war stories that serve as examples of what kinds of situations you don’t want to inadvertently get your clients into, and how they were resolved. The common theme running throughout will be the nature of title insurance policy and endorsement coverage in the easement/boundary/encroachment areas.
The event will be held January 20, 2015, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM at the First National Bank Building Training Room, 322 Minnesota St., St. Paul. Please let us know if you have any questions!